PUTIN Is In Trouble! BRITISH Missile Broke The BACKBONE Of The RUSSIAN Navy! Biggest Blow From IDF!

For those who missed our previous news; Reports coming from the Middle East and the Black Sea point to important developments that will change the world agenda. First of all, the large-scale airstrike carried out by the Israeli army in Lebanon draws attention. At a time when the Hezbollah terrorist organisation is trying to expand its area of attack, the Israel Defence Forces succeeded in capturing six of Hezbollah’s most important commanders. This operation may increase tensions in the region and signal the beginning of a new era in the Middle East. Finally, the interception of Russian warplanes over the Baltic Sea by Italian fighter jets could further escalate military tensions in the region. These developments could have a significant impact on security and political balances around the world. In this process, one after another critical news from Syria draws attention. Although the details of the situation in Syria are unclear, the developments in this country have the potential to affect the balances in the region. Another important point on the agenda shifts to the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. The Ukrainian army’s successful operation with the British sword to hunt down Russian ships is increasing the tension in the region. The chaos around Crimea is also considered as a part of these developments. At a time when the political blocs around the world are becoming clearer, Western countries seem to be supporting Israel and Ukraine. However, eastern countries and terrorist organisations continue to support the Iran-Russia alliance. This situation increases the tension in international relations and raises concerns that the expansion of the war is inevitable. All videos provides the latest updates on the War in Ukraine, including developments related to Russia. We analyze the Ukraine War Map on the world map and discuss military strategies and defense mechanisms, using drone technology for mapping. The video covers recent news on Russian missile and rocket attacks, as well as naval and air defense operations. Additionally, we examine the involvement of the US Army and NATO, along with statements from leaders like Putin and Zelensky. The situation in the Black Sea and the battleships in Kiev are also addressed. Stay informed with the most recent Breaking News English analysis on the Ukraine-Russia Conflict.
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