3 Essential Productivity and Workflow Tips for FL Studio

In this video I share 3 simple tips to increase your workflow in FL Studio (or any DAW). I share a few principles and some little tricks to help you start projects easily, keep organised and maintain a clean workflow. 1) 1:00 - Start your project the right way so that you can develop a good workflow. Starting from scratch each time can be demotivating for many musicians but on the other hand many templates are too restrictive and feel like “painting between the lines“. This template is more of a blank canvas with all the paints and brushes organised for you to use however you like :) - Free template here: 2) 2:50 - Learn your DAW and become comfortable using and controlling it’s features. In this video I show a few simple shortcut keys and tips but please do check out this video in your own time for some more shortcuts and tips - 3) 7:09 - Clean and organise your projects as you work so that you never have to do a big clean up. You will be saving a
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