How to make the BEST LIME COOKIE for ROYAL ICING | Dulce Mood 💜

#limecookie #royalicing #fabianaroberts Here we are again in this year 2020 for another delicious cookie recipe. The star of this video recipe today is the sweet and citrus“ Lemon cookie“. This recipe belongs to a royal icing genius, her name is Marian, the creator of Sweetopia. The truth is that the recipe was fabulously delicious. I hope it inspires you to prepare it!!! I will provide all the tools and helpful video links for you, down bellow, so be sure to check them out if you would like to baking this yummy cookies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHOP MY STORE (Scribes are very versatile can be used for royal icing, details on Fondant, also it’s a wonderful tool for craft projects) 🛍 GRAB YOUR SCRIBE HERE:
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