The Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion

CH-53K Helicopter The Modern Solution for True Heavy Lift A 50 Year Legacy of Heavy Lift Solutions The CH-53K King Stallion advances Sikorsky’s 50 years of manufacturing and operational success with its CH-53A, CH-53D/G, and CH-53E predecessors. Built to thrive on the modern battlefield, including shipboard operations, the CH-53K aircraft is designed to be intelligent, reliable, low maintenance and survivable in the most austere and remote forward operating bases. The CH-53K helicopter has been designed and built to the exacting standards of the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) and will serve as its critical land and sea based logistics connector. The new heavy lifter will allow the U.S. Marine Corps and international militaries to move troops and equipment from ship to shore, and to higher altitude terrain, more quickly and effectively than ever before. The CH-53K Test Flight team has our most experienced and seasoned engineers, pilots, maintainers and support staff. The CH-53K continues to successfully execute key performance, test, and production milestones. We have flown more than 1,200 test flight hours and the CH-53K has achieved key milestones in 2018 such as high altitude, hot temperature, and degraded visual environment flights and we will continue to accomplish test points demonstrating this aircraft’s unmatched capabilities. Gostaríamos de compartilhar links notícias, editais, provas, inscrições e conteúdo e matérias do mundo militar. Siga-nos nas redes sociais Site Assuntos Militares: GETTR: VК: Telegram: Whatsapp: Youtube: Odysee: @AssuntosMilitares Muito obrigado pela confiança e preferência uma excelente semana.
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