Happy Tuesday morning! Happy birthday Adam … and we are all still waiting for baby!

A quick video earlier today, we had a public holiday yesterday which is the reason for no videos … no not because the baby arrived 🥰 … we are still in waiting mode with just two weeks left. Bub is very snug! We had a false alarm last Thursday. Woke up early to contractions, a whole day of them, 4 mins apart, even went to the hospital in the evening … and then nothing. Turns out early labour can go on like this for days … 😳 … possibly weeks before!! 🙈 Our two girls were relatively quick so this has been quite the different experience. Needless to say, Aunty Sam has been a bit out of it and I’m sorry there hasn’t been a video to let you all know how we’re going. Poor Uncle Luke has been satisfying my need to rearrange the house for the 100th time this weekend 🙈😬😅 … he says he is very ready for this baby to arrive now! 🤣 And the girls are so so excited to meet their little brother.
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