Tonight I would like to refer to a historical moment when the humankind was damaged for the first time, to refer to Adam and Eve and their Fall, after which all the humankind got damaged. And due to this, suffering, sorrow and death filled the whole nature. What happened to Adam and Eve then? I’m not going to describe the Fall, it’s already known all over, I’d like to draw your attention to the issue: why wasn’t this conflict settled at once and the wound healed? What happened to them, what were they about right after the Fall? They hid. They didn’t come out to meet the One whom they hurt, offended, betrayed, but they went the opposite way. God walked round Eden searching for them and asking: “Where are you, Adam? Where are you, Eve? I can’t see you.” But they decided to hide, to walk farther away. That was the problem. In contradiction to the above I’d like to remind you of an absolutely different case describing a man who committed a grave sin. He betrayed in a very ugly and pitiful manner...
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