Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared Song - FATHER’S DAY by CG5

STREAM NOW! Links below! Apple Music ▶ Spotify ▶ Song by @CG5 Composed with @BSlick Visuals by Andrew Duemig ▶ Song inspired by @Don’t Hug Me .I’m Scared Behind the scenes ▶ Follow CG5’s social media: Twitter ▶ Twitch ▶ Spotify ▶ Instagram ▶ Follow @CGLIVE and @CG5 Instrumentals Discord Server ▶ WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised. LYRICS: This is my creative side, I express myself. Come with me, look at the sky, Take a flight of fancy. Slides project across the screen, Of my gifted mind. Favor fading, failing fast, Follow financial formulation. It’s okay. Listen to the rain. Have you an idea in mind? Multiflavored fiction. Can you hear the voice ins
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