Morocco’s Sultan Mohammed V In Procession (1927)

Morocco’s Sultan Mohammed V in procession. Royalty; Morocco. Sultan Mohammed V (?) in a procession w/ military. Occasion unknown, but possibly coronation in 1927. Arab men some on horseback; some on foot; in yard w/ trees; moving away from camera; toward a wall w/ tall arch. Horses being led into stable; through another arched doorway in white wall. Group of military men in uniforms stand talking to sultan. Shot of the young Sultan in white robes & head-dress; posing in front of a beautiful mosaic fireplace. Older man appears next to him in same location. 4 men walk along w/ a pony pulling a small carriage. Sultan rides white horse ; accompanied by a crowd of men walking; they all exit the courtyard. Scene now wide open space outside walls; procession in progress. The soldiers march around; first row beating drums; most of the others carrying long rifles w/ bayonets. Also in this procession is the Sultan on horseback w/ his white-robed entourage; 1 man holds up an umbrella on a long pole to shield the
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