How to Make Yourself Immune to Pain | David Goggins on Impact Theory

Join our Discord community so you don’t miss out on all the amazing things we are working on - Here you will get direct access to Tom and the team PLUS exclusive content, offers, and so much more. Jump on in and get started on becoming legendary! Determined to become the ‘hardest man alive,’ David Goggins is the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to have completed Navy SEAL Training, the U.S. Army Ranger and Air Force tactical air controller training. Completing over 50 endurance races, Goggins has lived through the unthinkable to strengthen his mind and body. David Goggins reveals his belief in the dark power of suffering to transform in this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. SHOW NOTES: David talks about the struggles he faced as a child [6:08] David discusses the importance of introspection [9:44] David discusses a belief in suffering in order to grow [10:30] David talks about self discovery and truth [13:35] David shares his e
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