Автор - Fuzikun
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От автора:
● float lerp_angle(from: float, to: float, weight: float)
Linearly interpolates between two angles (in radians) by a normalized value.
Similar to lerp(), but interpolates correctly when the angles wrap around @. To perform eased interpolation with lerp_angle(), combine it with ease() or smoothstep().
extends Sprite
var elapsed = 0.0
func _process(delta):
var min_angle = deg2rad(0.0)
var max_angle = deg2rad(90.0)
rotation = lerp_angle(min_angle, max_angle, elapsed)
elapsed = delta
Note: This method lerps through the shortest path between from and to. However, when these two angles are approximately PI k * TAU apart for any integer k, it’s not obvious which way they lerp due to floating-point precision errors. For example, lerp_angle(0, PI, weight) lerps counter-clockwise, while lerp_angle(0, PI 5 * TAU, weight) lerps clockwise.
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