Charting a New Course to Eliminate Ship Propulsion Pollution Below the Waterline Forever

Did you know that over 60 million litres (15 million U.S. Gallons) of operational oil are discharged annually from commercial ship propulsion systems? Even though a more sustainable and proven solution is available, 95% of new ships being built are still fitted with an oil lubricated propeller shaft or pod propulsion system. While, the only sustainable solution that protects our oceans and life below the water line is a seawater lubricated propeller shaft system. Seawater is free, has proven performance as a propeller shaft lubricant and has zero impact on the aquatic environment. Since 1978, Thordon’s open COMPAC seawater lubricated propeller shaft bearing system has been installed on more than 500 merchant fleet ships, operating globally. This system delivers the lowest operational costs, has no aft seal maintenance and most importantly, eliminates oil and grease from the world’s oceans and seas. It is of the utmost importance that the global shipping industry do all they can to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources as per the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #14, Life Below Water. Seawater lubricated propeller shaft systems eliminate oil pollution discharges from commercial ship propulsion systems FOREVER. Learn more at
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