The Road To Monte Carlo (1960)

LS expensive yachts in Monte Carlo harbour. CU maps and signing forms. Large map of Europe showing starting places for the Rally. Pan up Eiffel Tower. Cars lined up awaiting start of race. Mini cars 263. 284. 299. and MG A 281 leaving Paris check point. Following Mini 299 towards Arc de Truimphe and amongst traffic. A Volvo, Anglia and Simca crossing the French Frontier, followed by a Citroen and Saab. Panning as MG A negotiates bends. Cars taking corners with snow by the side of the road. Map showing route from Chambery to Monte Carlo. Evening arrival at check point and cars being serviced. Morning departure and window cleaning. Sign “Shunt with care“ in Mini rear window. Minor repairs and cars depart Chambery. Tracking with cars as they drive through the streets, A Sunbeam Rapier and Wolseley amongst the Mini’s. WS mountains and snow. A Volvo comes out of a tunnel. MS policeman directing traffic. Austin A40 driven by Pat Moss followed by Citroen leave the tunnel. Cars drive along wet mountain roads, sign
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