Weighing Scales (1936)

Old Bailey Courts, London. Shots of the Statue of Justice on top of the Old Bailey. CU of hand holding reproduction of a prehistoric limestone balance made by the Science Museum. They are very small. Shots of balance / scales used in 1370 BC. Metal weights made to look like animals were used. Quick shot of Egyptian temple wall showing the mythic scales used to weight men’s souls. Set of jewellers scales from 600 BC, the weights are shot. The scales rest on a balance shaped to represent the ’feather of truth’. Ancient Roman scales from AD 79 Pompeii. They were not very accurate. Shots of Roman money changers scales - these are more accurate. Scales from 16th Century West Africa for weighing Gold Dust A larger set of scales for weighing bullion. Wooden balance. A small balance from China. A telescope balance from Orkney. A small model of a cart weighing machine. Shots of various types of weights. Modern balance. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRI
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