Revealed: U.K. SABOTAGED Russia/Ukraine Peace Deal In April!

Did you know that back in April, just a couple of months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the two warring sides had come to a tentative agreement to halt hostilities with Russian troops returning to the Donbass and Ukraine agreeing to remain neutral and not join NATO? Except that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson jetted into Kyiv to persuade Zelensky’s government to scuttle the deal, which is precisely what it did. And now that Russia has seized even more Ukrainian territory, that deal is off the table. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this prospect for peace that could have potentially prevented so much bloodshed and destruction. Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website:
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