Off Limits | Rudeboy’s JDM Laurel (4K)

No man’s land. Forbidden ground. Downtown Vancouver. For years now Vancouver proper has been widely considered off-limits by the majority of modified car owners following the wave of seemingly unending (and often unwarranted) vehicle inspection tickets being handed out like candy from the city’s police force. Rude called us to let us know that he had finalized the sale of his SR20DET powered Laurel to a lucky new buyer on the East Coast of Canada and wanted us to film a final video of the car before he sent it off to its new home. Because the Laurel was leaving BC he figured it was worth taking the risk of getting a VI and wanted to head downtown. We jumped at the opportunity to shoot a car like the Laurel in the downtown area as Vancouver at night is an excellent-looking city and it had been years since we were able to do something like this. Viewers paying close attention will see lots of familiar sites of downtown Vancouver and even a few shots with inspiration pulled directly from some of the old Box One Collective films (primarily Nightrunner). This was a perfect way to celebrate the Laurel with one final hurrah before it goes across the country to undoubtedly make its new owner very happy. ______________ Visit our website: Shop now: Join us on Discord: Song: Evoke - TIGEREYES ______________ Enjoy! (Professional drivers on a closed course, do not attempt.)
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