05.Г.Виноградов Любовь поэта/ Dichterliebe

Георгий Виноградов. Вокальный цикл “Любовь поэта“ (Р. Шуман - Г. Гейне/В.Аргамаков). Г. Орентлихер (фортепиано). 05. В цветах белоснежных лилий. Georgi Vinogradov. “Dichterliebe“, ’The Poet’s Love’“, a song cycle of R. Schumann to H. Heine’s poem. In Russian, translated by V. Argamakov.. G. Orentlikher (piano). 05. Ich will meine Seele tauchen (I want to bathe my soul in the chalice of the lily, and the lily, ringing, will breathe a song of my beloved. The song will tremble and quiver, like the kiss of her mouth which in a wondrous moment she gave me.). ’s painting follows this song.
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