Voodoo Kungfu - Bruce Lee | Chinese Metal

song taken from Voodoo Kungfu with the Traditional Folk Ochestra (CD DVD) (2010) with : 1.中国大鼓(Chinese red drum)   2.锣(Chinese Gong)   3.马头琴(Matouqin - Mongolian horse head fiddle)   4.蒙古长调(Changdiao - Mongolian and Tibetan long melody singing)   5.笛子(Dizi - Chinese bamboo flute)   6.唢呐(Suona- Chinese horn)   7.呼麦(Hu mai - Mongolian throat singing)   8.咔腔(Kaqiang - Throat whistle)   9.笛哨(Dishao - Chinese tin whistle)   10.管子(Guanzi Chinese clarinet)   11.双管(Shuang Guan- Double wooden oboe)
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