Invasion USA (1985) Bluray, Chuck Norris, Paul Lynch, Soviet terrorists, blood, gore, action, fights - Its time to die!
A Soviet terrorist named Rostov, is planning to unleash a reign of terror on the . But before he does, he decides to go after Matt Hunter (Norris), a former CIA agent who lives in Florida. Hunter once had Rostov’s life in his hands, but on orders took him alive, and now Rostov is plagued by nightmares of Hunter killing him. So Rostov goes after him but misses, so Hunter, who has already been approached by his former employers to go after Rostov, after initially turning down the job, because he believed that they should have let him terminate Rostov when he had the chance, decides to go after him. But he is only one man and Rostov has hundreds of Soviets, Cubans and Nicaraguans of men ripping the country apart, so how will he stop it? Most fun is trying to guess what inhuman acts the bloodthirsty commies are plotting to do next. A paranoid, illogical, but entertaining cold war film. FBI is so stupid in this film, it must be seen! Chuck Norris is not above the law, he is the law! And apparently the only man in USA who fights the terrorists. As Soviet Union no longer exists its Americans that have been ripping the country apart for years, Russia dont have to do shit! Because if Russia were to attack USA, half of Americans would help them! And no need for some elaborate infiltration plot either, just walk through Mexico!
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