Studio Ghibli Cafe Music - Winter Jazz & Bossa Nova Music For Work, Study - Happy New Year!!
Studio Ghibli’s Music Cover!!
* The music in this video is actually being played by BGMC.
0:00 風のとおり道 / Wind Forest
3:41 あの日の川 / Day Of The River
6:37 ひこうき雲 / Vapor Trail
10:10 いつも何度でも / Always With Me
12:51 海の見える街 / A Town With An Ocean View
15:54 魔女の宅急便 / Kiki’s Delivery Service
18:41 おかあさん / Mother
21:27 となりのトトロ / My Neighbor Totoro
24:34 人生のメリーゴーランド / Merry-Go-Round Of Life
27:16 風の谷のナウシカ / Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
30:36 旅立ち / Departure
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☕ About Cafe Music BGM channel
We are making cafe music for relaxation, for work, for study, etc.
All music in this video & on this channel is original music by BGMC.
We are playing all the songs.
🎶 The band is produced by Cafe Music BGM channel
🎬 YouTube channels by BGMC
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🎶 Artists by BGMC
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#StudioGhibliCafeMusic #WinterJazz #BossaNova