thanks for watching :) send me an email or dm me on twitter if you want your clip removed, or I missed credit, or I mistakenly used without your permission. (videosunusual@) videos used: barbie wheelie santa explosion saw cheeseburger @antoniochianese80/video/7314970797179702561 tattoo gun laser @thongcoxamhinhhanquoc/video/7316737263063403777 chicken nugget swallow @justsaavy/video/7315566016711626030 ball knocks over beer @ bottle explode @mortisov02/video/7315061895462014216 gym crack @lamainethetrain/video/7314448903364037934 nothing is fair @elizzieinthehizzie/video/7317881515415768366 rock slide @wasabigang/video/7316010611089952005 car jack fail @ deer scare @joehunter1991/video/7297266519136849182 bubble tea explodes @ dog munches fly @germy_ballswole/video/7306941526930672927 butter in the bread maker @tips_ab98/video/7317492935346375979 bangs head on paper wall @userf5xpwp4alx/video/7317485923267087617 rat spin @eliblanc3/video/7316294748275363102 who hired this guy @ billiard shot @mohmed22175/video/7304199676788624646 fan wake up @jetflynndry/video/7318446299555138849 grandma tissue box @caliboycolin/video/7313704651700866346 picking up wood frame @brc_framers/video/7316261582202227999 fish pond in the car trunk @josevargas9899/video/7298868875339533614 knife cut @uxtv21/video/7318142245696310561 cat brushing koteyka_tg outro song
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