Can ChatGPT Write Better Vue Code Than Me (Vue, React, Angular) (Дата оригинальной публикации: )
#chatgpt #vuejs #webdevelopment
ChatGPT is super hot right now. Everyone is using ChatGPT to create web applications and learning to code. can you use ChatGPT to creater 3 and applications? In this video we create some tutorials with ChatGPT and create VUe 2 and Vue 3 applications.
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0:00 What is ChatGPT
0:59 How does ChatGPT work
02:31 Script Setup
04:26 Composition API example
05:45 Create a Todo Vue app
07:10 Create a landing page
10:26 Create a form (Advanced Example)
14:14 What’s wrong with this code?
15:35 Advent of Code xmas joke generator
16:36 Leet code problem
18:20 Amplify problem
19:26 conclusion