Physics and Life

“Physics On Stage 3“ is based on the very successful “Physics On Stage“ concept that was introduced in 2000. It is directed towards science teachers and students in Europe’s secondary schools. It is a part of the year-long build-up to the European Science and Technology Week 2003 (3-9 November), an initiative by the European Commission, and is run by seven of Europe’s leading Intergovernmental Research Organizations (the EIROforum). The movie shows the high-profile “festival“ during the European Science and Technology Week 2003, which encouraged the dissemination of successful educational tools and methods and identified the most effective ways to support teachers and motivate novel developments in science education. It took place at the ESA-ESTEC site in Noordwijk (The Netherlands), from November 8 - 15, 2003. More than 400 selected delegates from 22 European countries took part in “Physics on Stage 3”. The climax of the event was the presentation of the European Scie
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