Israel-Palestine War: “That’s BULLSH*T!“ Piers Morgan Debates Hamas With Islamist Extremist Doctor

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by NHS GP and leader of an Islamic extremist group, Abdul Wahid, for a heated debate on the historical injustices of war and conflict between Israel and Palestine, the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th and whether he thinks Sharia law should be enforced in the United Kingdom. Piers asks Abdul if he thinks Hamas are a terrorist group. Abdul explains that he feels they are simply a resistance group that is fighting back against Israel, which is trying to occupy Palestine and Gaza. He also adds that he believes Israel historically had no right to colonise within the Middle East and he believes this played a part in the root cause of their conflict against Palestine. Piers then asks Abdul if he supports Sharia Law to which he says he accepts it as a preferred system of life within Islamic countries and communities. Piers asks what he thinks of homosexuality and Abdul says he believes it is a sin. Piers then asks whether he still treats gay patients as a
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