Intros TV News from ALL European Communist or Socialist States 1986 -1990

Attention! This film does not show the intro of TV news from the TV stations of the Soviet republics (Ukrainian SR, Estonian SR etc.) because they cannot be independent TV stations - They were directly under the management of the Radio and Television Committee in Moscow. The situation was different in Yugoslavia, where the television stations in the republics had a autonomy - moreover, they had a separate legal personality - All Yugoslavian TV stations were affiliated in JRT TV. JRT was not a federal television, but an association of television from all republics and aimed to exchange programs and films between them, as well as JRT TV representing all Yugoslav television in international relations between foreign television stations - therefore the Yugoslav intro was included in this footage. Увод у ТВ вести из свих европских комунистичких или социјалистичких држава 1986-1990 Вступительные теленовости из всех европейских коммунистических или социалистических государств 1986-1990 г. Uvod TV
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