You Won’t Believe Why France and US Is Secretly Trying To Negotiate With Niger

Following the coup in Niger, both America and France publicly disapproved of the military leadership that took control. They know for sure that if the coup succeeds, thats the end of business for them, so they went as far as refusing to recognize the military leadership and stated that they wouldn’t heed orders from an illegitimate military regime. They even mentioned that they wouldn’t withdraw their troops, which they later did when heat became much. However, faced with Niger’s strength and determination, they are now secretly attempting to negotiate and plead with Niger. The reason behind this shift in approach is the emergence of Russia in the African continent. Yes! The entry of Russia into Africa presents a lasting solution to issues of terrorism and violence. This development has raised concerns for America and France, as it could result in Russia becoming a permanent ally to Africa. Additionally, the presence of Russian efforts against terrorist organizations may eliminate any excuse for the West to intervene in Africa. Earlier, the West entered Africa under the pretend of combating terrorism, a mission that was not fulfilled intentionally, possibly to prolong their stay. Now, with Russia taking action, America and France find themselves with no choice but to beg for negotiations with Niger. As Russia’s has already started something that is making the west sweat. So, what is that Russia is doing? Let’s know about that in this video. But before doing that, please support us by subscribing to this channel, like and share this video with your family and friends who might find it interesting. Your support means a lot to us. #africa #burkinafaso #Niger #Nigeria #IbrahimTraoré
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