[Eng Sub] LuHan 鹿晗 X Cross Fire 穿越火线 7 min Trailer Cut

超级网剧穿越火线: 打破常规次元壁,“穿越火线“精彩还原经典作战地图,在展示真实刺激的对战场景之余,也穿插着两位队长的青春故事。这不只是游戏,也是属于你的青春7月20日,来 腾讯视频 运输船集合咯. 导演许宏宇Derek 领衔主演鹿晗 /吴磊 CrossFire’s weibo updates: Break the conventional wall, “Cross Fire“ restored the classic battlefield, showcased the real and exciting battle scene while interspersed with the story of two team captains. It’s not just a game. It also belong to your youth. Directed by Derek Hui, stared by #LuHan, Leo Wu The TV Series will be available at Tencent Video and WeTV starting on July 20th. Xi
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