This video directly relays messages from a Praying Mantis Alien, whom I call, Praying Mantis Man. This being is entirely loving and compassionate. He shares love with our planet and with human beings, every day. He really showcases several ideas. One is the desire within the human heart to see and experience benevolent alien beings, directly helping us on our planet. He reminds us of how we treat our insects and how it is not safe for his kind to visit our planet to help us heal. He does emphasis the importance in gravitating away from political agendas and focusing on the Earth. His literal message is for human beings to say, ‘I vote for Mother Earth.’ Only Mother Earth can change our society from a Fear-based society into a Love-based society. When Mother Earth receives warmth and love and attention, she then returns warmth and love and attention in ways that are superiorly healing. When we heal Mother Earth he is able to heal our ability to love and embrace each other in ways where we are currently unable. He shows how human beings don’t trust each other and we still gravitate toward the old ways of politics to create trust, when this is not true healing. When the Earth is healed, human beings heal their bodies and their relationships with each other. Praying Mantis Man asks you to reach your hand back to him for inspirations and healing, as he has a deep love and appreciation for human beings and our planet Earth. He wants to heal us, he wants to be involved in helping us. He is very clear that he cannot come to our planet to help us, but he can help us at a distance, and he wants to heal human beings and heal Mother Earth. I hope you found the message inspiring and healing, thank you for watching!
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2 months ago 00:20:56 1
Готовая еда из Пятёрочки. Худшая еда? Пятёрочка кафе. Что поесть когда лень или некогда готовить?
4 months ago 00:02:12 1
Praying Mantis Thrash to Original Metal Track “Time To Pray“ - Epic Bug Muzak!