Incredible Cigar box juggling Performance by Kris Kremo

Incredible Cigar box juggling Performance by Kris Kremo Cigar boxes are rectangular props used in juggling. Cigar box manipulation began as a vaudeville act in the United States between the 1880s and 1920s, and was popularized by W. C. Fields. Originally, performers would take actual boxes that cigars were stored in and nail them shut to create their juggling props. Today, cigar boxes for juggling are typically purpose-built, hollow wooden or plastic blocks with suede or foam rubber padding attached to the sides. In 1977 Kris Kremo set a Guinness World Record of releasing one box and catching it after a quadruple pirouette. In 1994, Kristian Kristof broke the record by releasing all three boxes and catching them after a quadruple pirouette. The world record for the most cigar boxes balanced is 211 boxes for 9 seconds.
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