Here is a compilation of the Panzer family seen driving:
- Panzer II “Luchs“
- Panzer III
- Panzer IV (seen during War & Peace Show 2011)
- Panzer V “Panther“ (seen during Saumur 2016)
- Panzer VI “Tiger“
- Panzer VI Ausf. B “Tiger 2“
(only missing is the Panzer I!)
The Panzer II comes from the Saumur Tank Museum and was recorded during Militrack 2017.
The Tiger 2 also comes from Saumur and was seen during Rétromobile 2015.
The Panther also comes from Saumur and was filmed during the 2016 International Model Show.
The Panzer III and Tiger belong to the Bovington Tank Museum and were filmed during the Tiger Day 2017.
The Panzer IV belongs to the Jordanian Tank Museum and was seen during the War & Peace Show 2011 (and unfortunately, as you can hear it, this one does not have its original engine...)
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