NES Longplay [069] Kick Master

Played By: Tsunao Apparently, I still had my FCEUX movie file from about 2 months ago. o_o A buddy introduced me to this game. A pretty decent NES game made by the same people who made G.I. Joe and G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor. That is why they look the same. I actually enjoyed G.I. Joe. Some stuff about a princess getting kidnapped by this sorceress chick named Belzed (other sources say Belzed is a male, but that is a lie.) You control a d00d named Thonolan who kicks the crap out of everything that stands in his way on his pursuit of revenge against Belzed. Gameplay stuff: typical sidescroller with a RPG thing going on. You collect these medal thingies to increase Thonolan’s level (max is 7. Any after nets a 1-Up). HP and MP is increased upon level up. Also, Thonolan gets a new attack for every level up. In this run, I abuse the hell out of the knee drop, since it destroys pretty much everything and anything that takes moar gets spammed (doesn’t help that
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