9 minutes and All CURSES, the EVIL EYE, NEGATIVITY and Black MAGIC will burn in the CANDLE Flame
Fire is an effective tool in the fight against negativity. This simple video program will purify not only your physical, but also your spiritual energy. The power of this video session can be resorted to in order to get rid of any kind of negativity. Sound therapy will help absolutely anyone!
Spend only 9 minutes listening a day and cosmoenergetic music will cleanse you of negative energy and remove all unnecessary thoughts! And after 11 days of full listening, all your fears, commotions, evil eyes, curses, doubts, sorrows and resentments will burn in the magical flame of the candle!
Feel how the Power of Fire spreads through your body, spreads through your veins, filling them with warmth. Feel how the Power of Fire burns out everything black and negative in you. Feel how the Light of Fire brightens your soul.
Feel how the Fire fills your heart!
The video uses: the energy of the magic flame, binaural rhythms, cosmoenergetic music, vibrations of the matter of the subtle world!
🎧 It is recommended to use headphones.
To receive other video programs, please subscribe to mine by following this link:
You can listen to more meditations on my other channels:
Channel “Priest of Ankh“: @ankhg
Channel “The Power of Ankh“: @ankhp
The Voice of Ankh Channel: @ankhv
@ The Matrix of Life. All rights to the video series and music belong to the Matrix of Life channel! Copying materials from this channel is prohibited! Transform your life now:
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4 weeks ago 00:08:56 5
10 ошибок за 9 минут при выборе квартиры в Марианских Лазнях. Чехия.
4 weeks ago 00:19:14 1
КАК сделать сад с обложки ЖУРНАЛА за 20 минут! ПРОСТО посмотри на это!
1 month ago 00:04:43 3
Вареники с творогом! Самый простой рецепт теста для вареников и пельменей на кипятке, без Яиц!
1 month ago 00:05:42 1
Лодочка с рыбой и рисом на Новый год, цыгана готовит.
2 months ago 00:01:56 2
ВКУСНЕЙШАЯ томленая говядина со сливочным маслом ☆
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Самомассаж шейного отдела позвоночника для расслабления и разминки мышц шеи