Dr. Malachi Z. York - His Outer Feelings Expressed Musically (Full Album)
Dr. York’s album “His Outer Feelings Expressed Musically“, released on The Tents of Nubia label.
This audio is sourced from a CD-R copy of the album obtained a few days ago. It seems some songs are repeated on this disc (notice Rakhas Ithnin appearing as Raqs Wahid/Raqs Ath-Thaalith) and one song (The Drum) may be missing, but this is at least most of the album. Track 5, Nubia, also appeared on the recently uploaded “Thought Nubian“ cassette tape, though it is of much higher quality on this disc/upload.
0:00 The Wedding Song
6:17 Speak By the Way of the Drum
11:44 Rakhas Ithnin
23:58 Ahad Eloh
31:09 Nubia
40:44 Raqs Wahid
52:57 Salawat (Al Bannat)
57:09 Shaka Shak
1:01:25 Raqs Ath-Thaalith
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