Infinity Liquid - A Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom

Keep Calm, Drink Infinity Liquid!! With the world going crazy, perhaps some wild fractals is what you need to take your mind off things. You are going to need some serious bandwidth to watch this one, change your settings to at least 1440p, if not 4k, if your connection can manage it. This is the same technique I used for the “Fractal Fluid“ video, but we explore a less dense are of the Mandelbrot Set here. Someone commented on that video they would like a 2 hours version, well here it is! Please subscribe. This video was made on my new PC using the brand new AMD Thredaripper 3990X (64-cor...e / 128 thread) CPU. Around 70 hours of processing time was used to render this video. The magnifcation of the final frame is 1e1002 (Yes, that is 1 with 1002 zeros after it). Thank-you to my supporters on Patreon. There will be a 75mbs 4k version available for Patreons to download, but to be honest I could have made the bitrate even higher.
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