Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game Longplay (Arcade) [60 FPS]

Developed and published by Konami in 1989. Follow me on Twitter: Add me on Google : Anyone growing up in the late 80’s or early 90’s is probably familiar with the eponymous heroes in a half-shell. To say that Turtles were a big deal is an understatement; I have memories of my parents being forced to make multiple trips to the nearest Toys ’R’ Us to get a full set of the action figures for Christmas since the store would only allow customers one figure per sale! The slew of TMNT merchandise was endless, from lunch boxes, to action figures to video games. Whilst it’s no surprise that an arcade coin-op featuring the turtles exists, TMNT: The Arcade game was a rarity for a number of reasons, not least that it was available in a deluxe and, frankly massive, cabinet that supported four-player simultaneous co-op gameplay! Provided that you had enough friends available and a suitably weighty sack of coins, it was possible to play as your favourite turtle and rea
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