How to Play Lili | Intermediate Guide | TEKKEN 8
A more in depth guide on Lili and how to utilize her movelist.
For a beginner guide watch this --
0:00 - Introduction
0:31 - Lili’s Playstyle
Key Moves and Counter-hits
1:05 - df3
1:59 - f4
3:26 - qcf3 4
4:00 - f3
4:33 - qcf3
5:11 - ff4
5:52 - f1 2
6:17 - d1,2
7:11 - fcdf1
7:46 - b1 and Dew Glide
9:36 - uf3 (hopkick) and 3,1
9:57 - Backturn Stance Explained
12:18 - Movement in Backturn
13:04 df3 4 Explained
15:00 - Outro