lucas & peyton || love me or leave me. [HBD CHARLOTTE]

WATCH IN HD! “you used to tell me that you loved me once what happened? what happened?“ I can’t believe a year ago I wasn’t madly in love with these two. anyway, this is a birthday gift for the lovely @lifexintechnicolour . I really wanted to make you something, but I was having the hardest time deciding what. Leyton was a good possibility, but I couldn’t decide on a song. Then, thanks to andie’s love for little mix, I discovered this one and thought it’d fit their angst in season 5 pretty well, so here we are! I know it’s not the best video out there, but I really hope you’ll like it ♥ I’m so glad we started talking more, you’re an amazing person and deserve only the best ♥ this is also dedicated to @pandieex because - I mean - leyton LM? I had to. support my creativity ♥ ►pairing: lucas & peyton ►fandom: one tree hill ►coloring: heart of fire by XxxXDream ►song: ►buy me a coffee: https:
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