A Man’s World Reel 2 (1950)

Reel 2. Rome? Italian men’s fashions. Pan down a clock tower. Women emerge from a building. C/U of a happy couple. C/U of his jacket as he searches in his waistcoat pocket for something. Couple in a rowing boat. Man fishes. C/U of his plus fours. A woman and two smartly dressed men walk through an archway. More men model clothes. An ornate archway and the Coliseum. Various angles of Roman ruins. A man dressed as some sort of Roman stands on a platform and holds his arm up. Man in a jaunty suit and hat walks through ruins. He unzips the sleeve of his jacket and we see in C/U how he changes the look by folding the cuffs of his shirt back. A man checks his watch and then pulls an aerial from the lapel of his jacket then dials a number on a telephone dial which is on the inside pocket. He then takes a small telephone handset from the other inside pocket and speaks into it. C/U of his spivy shoes. Another man in a suit wanders around the ruins. A man in an Edwardian style suit looks out
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