DIANA ANKUDINOVA (Диана Анкудинова) Last Dance (Dernière danse) “Full song, Best performance“
I have reuploaded this video in higher quality both in video and sound, you will find it here:
I urge you to listen to that one instead.
A concert was held in the Kremlin palace the biggest stage of Russia, which launched the super season of the international vocal competition “You are super!” for children in difficult situations.
Participants from previous seasons, as well as new contestants, took part in the new season.
For some children, the performance in the Kremlin was a creative debut.
Diana was invited to perform again “Derniere Danse“ as this was her most popular performance by then.
This was the second time Diana was invited to sing this song in Kremlin palace.
Date: 10 Mar 2019
I will try to upload all her videos that are blocked right now. Sorry about the quality, I do not know much about editing software so I’ll do my best.
This one was especially hard but i think turned out the best.
This is Diana’s personal channel on You tube please subscribe to her.
Diana Ankudinova
#DianaAnkudinova #Диана #анкудинова #LastDance #dernieredanse #Youaresuper #jokersong #joker