#Merseyside #Police Are Not Getting Away With It! #WarOnCorruption

You can help keep BANAMAN hydrated with liquid on his journeys when you buy him a pot of tea at: Merseyside police think they are a law unto themselves. But the people see right through them. Not only are people learning about police corruption and abuse of powers, the people are going to hold them to account. No longer will an organisation be allowed to act like criminals for the people have the power, and it’s power from the people! When police turn up to civil matters, they need to remember their Attestation of constables oath is or was! In 2002, parliament removed sovereign from the queen in the Attestation of constables; Police Reform Act 2002 - Notice how they removed SOVEREIGN from the Queen at 406 and updated it with 407; Police Abusing powers - Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 Section 26 Corrupt or other improper exercise of police
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