HH the Sakya Trichen arrived at Seattle airport..

The Third Annual North American Sakya Monlam for World Peace will be held July 12 to 14, 2019, at the Lynnwood Convention Center in Lynnwood, Washington, 20 minutes north of Seattle. His Holiness the 41st Kyabgon Sakya Gongma Trichen Dorje Chang & His Holiness the 42nd Kyabgon Sakya Gongma Trizin Dorje Chang will preside over the ceremonies. Many high lamas of the Sakya tradition will be in attendance as well as many tulkus, khenpos & lamas from various traditions. All are invited to this non-sectarian prayer festival for world peace! This event is free & open to the public! We express our sincere gratitude to Their Holinesses & all the lamas & practitioners who work to uphold the precious teachings of the Buddhadharma and renew our supplications for their long life. We also thank the many sangha participants, sponsors, and volunteers without whom the historic first two Sakya Monlams in North America would not have been possible & we ask you to continue to support us
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