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The Beriev Be-200 Altair is a utility amphibious aircraft designed and built by the Beriev Aircraft Company. Marketed as being designed for fire fighting, search and rescue, maritime patrol, cargo, and passenger transportation, Four retractable water scoops, two forward and two aft of the fuselage step, can be used to scoop a total of 12 tonnes of water in 14 seconds (speed of 150-190 km / h). The name Altair was chosen after a competition amongst Beriev and Irkut staff in 2002—2003, as a reference to the name of the alpha star in the Eagle constellation and because: &quo
11 months ago 00:04:22 1
Beriev Be-200ES perform seawater intakes at Chios Strait during firefight operations.
1 year ago 00:22:49 1
Be-200: avión / barco / bombero / rescatador
2 years ago 00:01:04 3
La tecnología Rusa, en materia aeronáutica y satelital, ya es casi inigualable
3 years ago 00:04:37 1
Beriev Be-200ES - Utility Amphibious Aircraft
5 years ago 00:15:04 1
MAKS 2019 ✈️ Beriev Be-200ES Displays Extreme Bank Angles! - HD 60fps
5 years ago 00:03:49 5
Демонстрационный полет Бе-200ЧС / Demonstration flight of Beriev Be-200ES
7 years ago 00:10:08 30
Beriev Be-200ES (1/2) Rassemblement International des Hydravions - Biscarrosse 2018-4K
7 years ago 00:05:59 1
Russian Amphibious Beriev BE-200ES Drops Water in Dubai Airshow Flying Display – AINtv