
See Metamorphosis, an enchanting puppet show for adults, in Surrey, BC on March 13, 2019. This imaginative and poignant series of vignettes created and performed by Iceland’s famed master puppeteer Bernd Ogrodnik is a poetic – and often hilarious – exploration of the nature of our existence, inviting audience members to change how they perceive the objects of their everyday lives. Metamorphosis brings a delightfully eclectic cast of characters to life, ranging from intricate, hand-carved marionettes and rod puppets to unusual characters created simply from silk scarves or Ogrodnik’s own hands and feet. Audience advisory: some mature content (intended for ages 19 ) Running time is approximately 1 hour 45 minutes, including intermission Date/Time: March 13, 7:30pm Venue: Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall (13450 104 Avenue) Tickets: 604-501-5566 | Presented by Surrey Civic Theatres A Worlds of Puppets productions
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