Stream ‘Black Sheep’:
We walk a fine line between naive and blind
Living in the age where wasting time doing lines is prescribed
Three dead rabbits and a dog off the leash
We led the wolf to the herd but don’t wanna see the feast
Stutter now and die like a sheep or fap on Snapchat till you feel complete
You speak in tongues and I never hear a word you say
Lenny you will never hear the gun
I’ve been led astray feeling so lonely
Lenny you will never hear the gun
God left you and the devil has tied a noose
Just clean up the mess that you’ve made for yourself
You gotta take the dog out back and put a bullet in a broken brain
You speak in tongues and I never hear a word you say
Lenny you will never hear the gun
I’ve been led astray feeling so lonely
Lenny you will never hear the gun
Bah bah black sheep watcha gonna do
Watcha gonna do when they come for you
Bah black sheep bah black sheep boo
Watcha gonna do when they come
You’ve got a weak constitution
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