540Hz Monitor is Here..

Here’s my first impression of the 540Hz monitor, not a full review since I could only test it less than 30 mins Note: During testing the monitor the FPS in CSGO was capped at 400 (and no one there at the time knew how to change it), so unfortunately I couldn’t experience the full 540hz display, which makes my gaming experience with the monitor not so accurate. However I also experienced the monitor on the desktop and seeing the UFO test which displays the true 540hz (Footage not interesting so I just show gameplay). Right of the bat I could see how smooth it was, and my first impression of the monitor is based on that and how I assume it could benefit gamers based on my past experience upgrading from 75hz up to 390hz My Gaming gears👇 🖱 Peripherals 🔸️Mouse - (my finalmouse broke) 🔸️Keyboard collections: 🔸️Mouse Bungee - ԃ
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