Get a WISH in Your Reality | Cosmic Law OF ATTRACTION

The expression “get everything you want“ really works. The reason for this is the law of attraction of thoughts. We draw into our lives what we focus on, and we hold that attention. The influence of the power of thought is not just an esoteric concept, it is a cosmic science that is explained even physically. So feel free to try using the law of attraction of thought right now. A simple example: are you happy? Happiness will increase. Are you sad? The sadness will increase along with your thoughts about it. The most important thing is positive and clean thinking. Find something to be happy about and thank the universe. Believe me, soon the negative events will leave your life forever. This video program uses galdrastav “Creating What You Want“, which creates what you want in your reality. You can call it becoming a wish-giver, creating any situation in a person’s life. The viewer works like a typewriter, giving out what was ordered. Galdrastav includes the following runes
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