Neurotech - Only Heartbeat

New Album ’Ave Neptune’ Out Now - Written / Recorded / Mixed / Mastered by Wulf Cover by 0101 / Wulf Instrumental version of this album is available on my Patreon page: Lyrics: Somewhere in my mind they hover Many beacons so hollow Glowing despite all encounters Wisdom lies in the shadows Nowhere in my darkest hour Was a chance to recover What have done to each other? All flows down in the gutter Only heartbeat inspires Through cold feelings of fire Burning brighter and higher Wasted years all expire Special thanks to all Devoted Patrons: Archon0003, Dmitrii Roets, Данило Терлес...кий, Creation FMR, Michael, Chris Randall, Andy from Texas, m3f, Pavel Jirkovsky, Aleister Vovk, Electronics, Yves Wheeler, Jared Grove, Jose Abboud, Kevin Disser, Eriah Sylverstone, Matt Summerville, Phill Phobos, Pero Tiitto, Tristan Todd, Yevgeniy Yanchenko, Deteccion Meta
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