PAC-TIVE – Yaeji feat. DiAN (Official Music Video for PAC-MAN’s 2021 Theme by WEiRDCORE)

Be PAC-TIVE!! is PAC-MAN’s theme for 2021 and PAC-MAN would like everyone to “Be PAC-TIVE” in body, mind and within your community. Take time and enjoy all kinds of PAC-TIVITIES to enhance your wellness whether you’re indoors or out like cooking, listening to music, playing games or exercising. Taking PAC-MAN’s 2021 theme “Be PAC-TIVE!!” as the main inspiration, Yaeji, an artist who divides her time between NYC and Seoul, wrote, produced and performed the song “PAC-TIVE” featuring DiAN who is active in Tokyo and Beijing. The music video is directed and produced by WEiRDCORE, known worldwide for his works with Aphex Twin, making this a very special collaboration! -------------------------------------- [PAC-MAN Official Website] [PAC-MAN Facebook] [PAC-MAN Official Twitter] [PAC-MAN Instagram] ----------------------------- ‘PAC-TIVE’ Music: Written, produced and performed by Yaeji feat. DiAN V
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