Taylor Castro - Muse With A Dagger (Official Music Video)

Muse with a Dagger can be seen from many different angles depending on the listeners subjective point of view. For me, it’s a song about the divisions society forces us to have with those who aren’t like us told allegorically through a relationship between two individuals. The pair forms an unexpected bond, but is torn apart due to the polarized communities they come from. This is not Romeo and Juliet, though, because the characters have genuine loyalty to their people and are frustrated by the unwanted connection. When natural conflict occurs between the two, they rage against the other’s community. It’s all in vein, however, because both of them will always be an entity separate from what they stand with. In a rage, one can destroy the world of the other but never quite bring themselves to destroy the other. This is because we are not defined by what we associate with. We are defined solely by the corners of our inner selves that no one can quite fit into or even grasp. - Taylor Castro Stream the song on
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