Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard visit New York (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard visit New York, receive ticker-tape parade Full Description: USA: New York: New York City: EXT PRINCE BERNHARD. With Queen receives ticket tape welcome from New Yorkers. Juliana receives medal for public services from Impellite New York’s Mayor ACTING MAYOR VINCENT IMPELLETTERI Presents medal of distinguished public series to Queen Juliana in New her tour.......... JULIANA QUEEN OF NETHERLANDS Receives with Prince Bernhard a ticker tape welcomed from New medal for public service from Mayor Impelliteri NEW YORK. Ticker Tape welcome for Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard as they drive along Broadway.. Queen receives medal for distinguished public services from Mayor Impelliteri Shots of sky scrapers the Netherlands, ticker tape parade, celebration, Vincent R
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