MAKE A MODERN MINI! A Super Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial | How to Make a giant Bird of Paradise plant.
This SUPER easy, step-by-step tutorial will show you how to make this gorgeous giant bird of paradise plant. Missy Miniac’s ’Make a Mini Quickie’ tutorials are perfect for dolls house & miniatures newbies.
With a few basic materials & tools, you can make this fab indoor plant for your dolls house or room box.
Make time = 30 - 50 minutes.
Perfect for Newbie Miniacs.
FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS in the comments below - I’ll try to answer these within 48hrs.
Want to see something as a Make a Mini Quickie? Your suggestions are very welcome 🤓👍
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Find your materials at your local craft shop or online.
*Wire Snips
*Colour Printer
*Embossing stylus
*Air-drying or paper clay
*A4 Printable Sticker Paper
*Paper covered florist’s wire
* Used, dried coffee grounds
* Miniature plant pot or plastic bottle lid
*Foam core or styrofoam takeaway container/tray
Leaf design template